When you purchase a property, you aren’t just buying that incredible kitchen. Your purchase isn’t just the massive master bedroom. You are also buying the issues in the attic, or the damaged A/C unit. A home inspection is your chance to avoid these issues, or at least use your knowledge of these issues to negotiate repairs or a fair price for the property.

Choosing the team at Field Inspection Group allows you to have peace of mind as you enter an agreement, regardless of whether that means you’re selling or buying. We provide physical reports for you to refer to during the negotiation process. Our focus is setting you up for success.

With several years of experience and a genuine passion for what we do, we invite all Arizona buyers and sellers to reach out to our team. Field Inspection Group offers quality service with a friendly smile. Ask your questions, get the answers you need, and close the deal on your terms. It would be our pleasure to help. Get in touch with us now either by phone or online to set up an appointment. We look forward to working with you.